COVID-19 Update


Following the Prime Minister’s announcement on Monday 23rd March, we have implemented new working processes so that we continue to be fully operational, whilst doing our upmost to protect our staff, clients and other local businesses.

Where possible our staff are now working from home, whilst the office remains open for those who are unable to do so.

We are strictly following government guidance on social distancing to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 and have made changes to our office environment so that the 2m distancing rules are maintained to protect the safety and wellbeing of our staff and other local businesses.

We are now carrying out all possible meetings through video conferencing technology which allows us to screen share our drawings and presentations.

We are risk assessing site visits and inspections on a case by case basis and will continue visits only where it is possible to follow 2m distancing rules, where meetings involve no more than 2 people on site and with access to regular hand-washing facilities. Where this is not possible, we are exploring video conferencing and improved communication using existing mobile technology, the use of filming and photography.

We will keep you updated on our approach to the situation and how we are maintaining our professional service levels.  If you have any queries regarding your project please do contact James directly.